Production Designer: Seth Reed
SUP Art Director: Mark Zuelzke & Ellen King
Art Director: Kit Stølen
Art Director: Katie Wheelock
Asst. Art Director: Lila Kern-Mireles
Asst. Art Director: Jake Vollmer
The set of the Hopper Ship fit within the Ranger Ship set so we could utilize a lot of the same materials and space. This was a massive team effort. I was responsible for the research and design of the buttons and mechanics all the consoles on these ships.

We build a new static interior rover set for season 4. Again I was responsible for the research and design of the buttons and mechanics all the electronics in this vehicle.

This set was dressed as the Commissary and Conference room. I designed the filtration system that ran water and air through the ceiling membrane to provide fresh oxygen in the room, and keep a liquid barrier from the Mars radiation.